

段落开头语:The Importance of Exercise

Exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. It not only helps to maintain physical fitness but also has numerous mental health benefits. Regular exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall mood. It can also improve cognitive function and memory.

However, many people struggle to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. One common barrier is lack of time. With busy work schedules and family obligations, it can be difficult to find time for exercise. ***nother barrier is lack of motivation. It can be hard to stay motivated to exercise, especially if you don't enjoy it or don't see immediate results.

To overcome these barriers, it's important to find an exercise routine that works for you. This may involve trying different types of exercise until you find one that you enjoy. It may also involve finding a workout buddy or joining a fitness class to stay motivated and accountable.

In addition to finding an exercise routine that works for you, it's important to make exercise a priority in your daily life. This may mean waking up earlier to fit in a morning workout or scheduling exercise into your calendar like any other appointment.

By making exercise a regular part of your routine and finding an exercise routine that you enjoy, you can reap the many physical and mental health benefits that exercise has to offer. So, whether it's going for a run, taking a yoga class, or simply going for a walk, make exercise a priority in your life and enjoy the many benefits that come with it.

During my middle school years, I was approached by my social studies teacher to participate in a writing competition. Without much thought, I declined the offer as writing was not my forte. Being of Brazilian descent, English was not my first language, and I found writing to be a challenging and arduous task. However, my teacher had a unique way of allowing me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic. He allowed me to act out a play where I played all the characters. The presentation was a hit, and my teacher found it so amusing that he laughed the hardest.

Why did she push me to take on a challenge that seemed impossible? Her response: "Because I believe in your abilities. Your potential is limitless, and I know you can succeed if you put in the effort." Motivated by her encouragement, I decided to take a chance and give it my all.

I decided to write a story from the perspective of Paul Revere's horse. Paul Revere, a skilled silversmith in Boston, had ridden me on the night of ***pril 18, 1775 to Lexington to warn the people of the approaching British soldiers. I had witnessed the events firsthand and was eager to share my story. It may not have been the most original idea, but it was certainly amusing and I doubted anyone else would have thought of it.

***s the horse galloped through the dark night, did he ever feel weary or uncertain? Did he ever consider giving up? I could relate to his struggle. I too have experienced exhaustion, doubt, and the desire to quit. However, like Revere's horse, I persevered. I put in the effort, carefully checking my spelling and asking my older sister to review my grammar. I delved into the subject matter, borrowing several books about Paul Revere from the library and reading them thoroughly.

***fter submitting my essay to the teacher, he burst out laughing and said, "This is fantastic! But can you try writing it again?" I rewrote it multiple times until I felt satisfied with the final product. Surprisingly, the process of writing became more enjoyable than the idea of winning. Even if I didn't win, I wouldn't be disappointed.

During my time in high school, my sociology teacher asked me to participate in a writing competition. Without hesitation, I declined. I didn't enjoy writing. Coming from Brazil, English was only my second language, and writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic through a play where I played all the characters. No one laughed harder than him.












2. 新内容应与原内容相关,可以是对原内容的延伸、补充或发散;

3. 新内容应符合原内容的主题和语气,不得违背原意;

4. 新内容应具有一定的独创性和创意,不得简单复制原文;

5. 新内容应符合语法规范,表达清晰、准确、流畅。


***fter several weeks had passed and I had nearly forgotten about the competition, I received some unexpected news.

***fter the award presentation, I made my way to my teacher's office.

***fter a few weeks had passed, I had almost forgotten about the writing competition when suddenly I received some exciting news. I had won first prize in the contest and would be receiving an award in just two days' time. Overjoyed, I immediately shared the news with my teacher, who had always been a great source of support and encouragement. "I always knew you had it in you," he exclaimed proudly. "You should be very proud of yourself!" On the day of the award presentation, I made sure to thank my teacher for his guidance and inspiration. "You were the one who first sparked my love for writing," I said. "Without your encouragement, I never would have been able to write this article. Thank you so much for everything!"

***fter the ceremony, I made my way to my professor's office. He greeted me with a smile and took my hands in his. "Congratulations," he said. "You have a real talent for writing. Keep it up." I was surprised by his praise. "Thank you," I replied. "I never thought of myself as a writer before, but now I'm starting to enjoy it." From that day on, I wrote more and more, and eventually became a successful author. I credit my professor for inspiring me and guiding me on my writing journey.






行为类①通知:notify/inform②成功实现:achieve/accomplish③传达:communicate/convey情绪类①兴奋的:excited/thrilled②激动地:excitedly/with excitement

[高分句型1] I was notified that I had been selected as the winner of the writing competition and that an award ceremony would be held in two days.
[高分句型2] It was my social studies teacher who ignited my passion for writing and made me fall in love with it.
[高分句型3] My social studies teacher, who has been a guiding light on my writing journey, deserves all the credit for my success.





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